We aim to serve the community by providing a place for different groups to meet. To arrange a booking email Lettings Manager Jean Norton admin@winchesterroadchurch.org.uk
Groups currently meeting here are listed below
For children and Young People
Baby Massage – Only held when sufficient interest is made
Suitable for babies from 6 weeks until crawling. Classes run by qualified baby
massage instructor. Contact : Lindsay doremeebies@gmail.com
Singing group for babies and toddlers. Monday & Thursday
Contact : Lindsay doremeebies@gmail.com
Cheeky Monkeys’ Gym Club
Structured gymnastics classes which aim to enhance basic co-ordination, balance,
and movement. All classes run for 45 minutes.
Wednesday 10am 11am (parent and toddler), 1pm 2pm (All classes are designed
for 3-5 year olds)
Friday 10am 11am (parent and toddler), 1pm 2pm (All classes are designed
for 3 year olds) Check Facebook page for details
Highams Park School of Dancing – Street Dance
Dancing classes for 5-16 year olds, Wednesdays after school.
Contact : enquiries@highamsschoolofdancing.co.uk
Highams Park School of Dancing
A variety of dancing classes.
For details go to www.highamsschoolofdancing.co.uk
Contact : enquiries@highamsschoolofdance.com
For Adults
C&A Club
Social club for former employees of C&A Highams Park
First Wednesday of the month 10am–12pm
The Happy Gardeners’ Club
A gardening club which meets on the second Monday of every month from 1pm
until 3pm.
£3 per session. Just turn up
Healthy Hearts Exercise Club
Fitness class for people with heart conditions, chronic ill health or those recovering
from a bout of ill health.
Tuesdays 4.30pm to 5.30pm .
Contact Eddie on 07789 595 897
Harmony E4
Choir meets alternate Mondays 7.45pm until 9pm.
Contact : Kate Milner 07969 269107
Highams Park School of Dancing
Adult dancing classes.
For details go to www.highamsschoolofdancing.co.uk
Contact enquiries@highamsschoolofdancing.com
Keep Fit for Ladies
Fitness class . Tuesday 2pm to 3.30pm
Contact 020 8531 8663
Lipreading Self Help Group
A self-help group for people with hearing loss to practise their
lipreading and finger spelling skills.
For more information Contact Susan Kochs 020 8341 1518 / 07947241969
Keep Fit
Fitness Class . Thursday 2pm – 3pm
Contact 020 8527 6230
Parkinson’s Society
Second Tuesday in the month 11am to 1pm
Contact: dottie.glee@gmail.com
We are a friendly organisation for people no longer in full time work who enjoy a
variety of interests ,making new friends and having fun.
Monthy meetings every third Tuesday of the month with an interesting speaker
and refreshments 2pm to 4pm
Contact Vicky on 020 8524 7674 or email membership@wfu3a.org.uk
For details go to https/u3asites.org.uk/waltham-forest or find us on
Facebook:Waltham Forest u3a.
Walthamstow Social Centre Blind Club
Bi-weekly Thursday 2pm – 4pm
Contact 020 8531 3443
Ukrainian English Class
Saturday 9.30am to 10.30am – Email tanya1911@hotmail.co.uk
Ukrainian Church Services
Some Saturdays /Sundays – Email tanya1911@hotmail.co.uk.